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EDM 310 Class Blog


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blog Assignment 4

 this is a picture of dancing music notes
Don’t Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please?

Mr. McLeod is an assistant professor and is a strong supporter in technology being used in public schools. He strongly believes that schools are not using enough technology to prepare their students for the future. I really enjoyed Mr. McLeod’s take on technology. I think it really is ridicules when I hear people talk about how bad the internet is and that they are protecting their kids by not letting them use it. We are living in a world where with out some kind of basic knowledge on how to use the computer/internet one would not be able to survive. Technology is our future there is really no going back its only going to get more advanced and our kids need all the help they can get.

The iSchool Initiative

Travis is a high school student who has come up with an idea on how to improve learning and the environment with an already favorite electronic device, the ipod touch. Travis believes that with the advancement in technology that schools would be saving a lot of money by investing in his program. He talks about how a lot of already existing applications would be enough to get started, applications related to history, math, science, reading, and English. An average ipad touch coast around 150 dollars and Travis states that with that purchase the schools would still be saving around 600 dollars a student and helping the environment due to the deletion of text books.
I was very impressed with Travis. He had a very thought out and well prepared presentation that could maybe one day really be considered. I didn’t know that the ipad touch was able to do all those things already due to the fact I do not have one. I think that he makes a lot of good points and that there is still a lot to think about and consider before something like this could really take affect.

The Lost Generation

I thought that this video was very clever. I didn’t even think about what it would say if you started to read it backwards, it surprised me at first. My first thoughts were wow this girl has a lot of issues and the music and black hole background did not help. Then when she started to read it backwards I liked the way it looked like the words where coming out of the hole and I felt a feeling of hope.

Eric Whitaker’s Virtual Choir

This was probably one of the coolest things I have seen so fare. That is amazing that he was able to take so many talented people who had never met before and have them sing together while all in different places. This shows how technology has really come along and what can be done with it. This could really bring every one together and make learning a really fun experience.


  1. How about a class full of Travis types? You would learn a lot.

    Yes, even in EDM310 there are many "protectionists" who cannot (or do not) explicate what restrictions they feel are necessary. But the know we must "limit" in some way the use of these marvelous tools for learning. By the end of the semester their eyes are usually opened.

  2. Hi Angelica nice blog. I also liked Travis' presentation. He must have researched the ipad a lot to find out everything it can do. I really enjoyed the virtual choir as well. I find it amazing that they were all so in tune with each other and they have never practiced in person. I used to be one of those parents that was against the internet for my children but I am getting better about it.
