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EDM 310 Class Blog


Sunday, October 31, 2010

additional Assignment #3

I think that disciplining children when needed is very important. Sir Ken Robinson Did a very good job with his video and I enjoyed it. I don’t believe that giving kid’s medicine is a automatic cure for any kind of problems they have. I feel like in the last few years that giving kid’s medicine for their behavior problems is a new fad. I agreed with every thing Sir Ken Robinson said because when I thought about it he was right. Since I have gotten out of high school my education experience as been very consistent. I go to class where my teacher doesn’t know my name then I sit there and listen and take notes on every thing that my teacher says is important and then I am expected to take a test. I want parents to really make sure that there is nothing that they can to before taken their kids in to be put on medication for their behavior problems. I thought that the art work was really good and I would like to be the artist for something like this. The sound affects where cool but I am bad at putting sound with pictures.

C4k Summary

I commented on Vickucha’s blog. This was a really kool kid and I enjoyed going threw her blog and reading all her post. Most of her post had to do with her friends and how important they were to her. I told her that friends are very important to have and a great to make memories with. I also got to comment on Tristin’s blog. I really enjoyed his blog and loved the video and blog post he did about the Chile Miners. I told him that I had been fallowing the story and he did a great job of getting the information out there to share with every one.


Blog Assignment 10

An Open Letter to Educators
I had Morgan Bayda blog earlier in the year and I really enjoyed her blog and every thing she had to share. Dan Brown made a video about educational facilities and how they needed to improve. He really wanted to make it clear that it’s ok to change and not play by the rules all the time. The world is changing every day and nothing is going to stop that. It’s up to us as future teachers to make sure that our students will be able to survive. The kids that we will be teaching they are the future so schools, teachers, parents, the community and ect need to do all they can to make sure that students are learning and the use of technology is a big factor.

Don’t let them take pencils home
I remember one of my teachers telling me I was the worst speller she had ever come across. So I really enjoyed Mr. Johnson’s blog about hangman. I remember playing hangman and I really enjoyed the game especially when it was used in school to learn how to spell vocabulary words and spelling words. My parents always helped me with spelling by making flash cards, calling out my spelling words in the car and using the words every day. I use to think about the kids who didn’t have parents to do that with them and really struggled with spelling. I think that its important as a teacher to remember that not every child has the same opportunity to get help at home so while they are teaching it’s a great idea to have fun games like hangman to help kids find different ways of learning.

Two Questions that can change your life
I loved this video. It was very empowering and made me think. The quote , “ Are you better today then yesterday?” gave me the chance to really look back and think about my past the good and the bad. It’s important to know who you are and to always do your best to never forget who you are and what you stand for and to strive to improve because no one is perfect. My sentence is “ I am the past, present , and future.”

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blog Assignment 9

I think that Mr.McClung really helped me be more aware of how hard it is to be to be a new teacher but at the same time how exciting it is. I understand how important it is to remember that all students might not be on the same level and that I can’t expect every one to make perfect scores. I liked that he talked about the use of technology because by taking this class I have learned how useful technology is going to be in my teaching and how much more I will be able to add to my lessons. I have asked both of my parents, who are educators, about the idea of keeping to your lesson plan and like Mr.McClung they told me that some of the best lessons are the ones that aren’t necessarily planed out point by point. I have been in a 3rd grade class room for about a month now and I have learned that listening to your students is very important. Kids need to feel like some ones listening to them. Some times your students can teach you things that you never knew or give you different outlooks on topics you thought you knew a lot about. Over all I think this was a great article and I enjoyed all the information.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Blog Assignment 8

What Richard Miller: This is how we dream Parts 1 and 2

The videos covered a lot of information in a short amount of time. It was a lot to take in with the screen changing and listening at the same time. I liked the concept of the information. I think that it’s very impotent to use the resources that are at there. I love the library and going and looking at books but the internet has really made that processes a lot more time consuming. I like being able to pull up all different kinds of information at one with just a click of a button. I think that it is time to work on being more cultural diverse. I don’t think we should jump right into things like multimedia writing just because I am just getting use to a lot of new technology concepts.

The Chipper Series and EDM for Dummies

I loved the chipper video and the EDM for Dummies video, the acting was great. I thought it was a great way to show how important it is to not only stay in school and not just quiet because one doesn’t like the way things are done. I also thought that it was a great way to remind every one that putting things off to the last minuet isn’t always going to work out. I like the EDM for Dummies book idea. I sort of thought that the information given to us threw are online instructions was the online version.

Dumb Smartboards?

I like the smartboard. I have used it every time I have gone to my school to do my observation hours. My students love being able to get up and interact with the lesion. I think that they learn a lot more and stay interested a lot longer. I know smartboards are a lot of money but I think they are worth it and in the long run will pay off. Kids need to be able to learn in all different ways and the smartboard is another tool that I think would be a great investment in all class rooms.  

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Additional Assignment # 2

1. What do you think? If learners are motivated, can they teach themselves?
I think that if you really want to learn something that you will teach yourself how to do it, and when you teach yourself I think you tent to get more out of the experience.
2. If those motivated learners are kids, can they teach themselves?
I think that kids are a lot smarter then they are given credit for some times. I also take in consideration a Childs age; I wouldn’t expect a 3rd grader to be able to teach themselves at the same level or speed as an 8th grader.
3. What conditions are necessary for kids to teach themselves? For anyone to teach him or herself? I think the biggest factor to any one teaching them self is motivation. Kids teach themselves things all the time. Motivation and determination is very important.
4. What roll do computer and internet access play in the process?
The computer and internet are very important tools to me in any learning experience. When I want to get back ground information or ideas for something I want to learn the first thing I do is go to my computer and Google my topic. So much information is out there that it would be a waste not to use the information.
5. What role does motivation, a desire to learn? If one doesn’t want to learn then her or she isn’t going to put the effort that is need to be successful then nothing will be accomplished.
6. What roles do a problem, a question or multiple problems or questions plat in the process? I think that problems cause questions. When one comes across a problem usually they want to know the answer to that problem.
7. How do you motivate someone to learn? I think the best way to motivate some one to learn is to make learning fun.
8. How are you motivated to learn? I love finding knew things out and knew ways to do things. I also thing that not getting something right the first time really motivates me when it comes to learning.
9. Can any one who is not motivated learn? I think motivation is the leading factor of learning. I don’t think that you can really learn and grasp a concept completely unless you want to.
10. Do you teach yourself? When? Why? I teach myself knew thing on a daily basis. I like to take look at all my mistakes as a learning experience.
11. What role does a teacher (either answer generally or use a specific example) play in your learning? I think that teachers are there to motivate and to ask kids questions that make them want to learn and find the answer to. I work with 3rd graders and I love to ask them why about everything they tell me.
12. What is the most important idea, question or emotional response you take away with you as a result of watching this video? I think I took away the feeling of disappointment in kids leaving in the United States today. I believe that a lot is taken for granted, compared to those children are not motivated at all. You could see how excited those kid where to learn and find the answers and I have walked in classrooms where kid’s heads are on the desk they are asleep.
13. What other questions or issues are raised by this video that should be considered and discussed by aspiring teachers? I think teachers should question the way things are being taught and try to figure out knew ways to motivate their students instead of giving hours of copying notes off the chalkboard.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Teacher Summary #2

 this is a picture of the word what we are learning next
I have been reading and commenting on Dr. Strange‘s blog. Dr.Strange teaches EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I commented first on Doctor Strange’s story about Anthony and a day he expirenced at the labs helping other students with EDM work. I found the story verey good because I had experienced the same thing. Anthony talked about how he helped a student and that student was able to help other students. I told Dr. Strange about how nervous I was about asking for help in the lab because I didn’t want any one to think I was lazy. I finally asked one of the lad assistances for help and he showed me what I was doing wrong. After that I was able to show another friend who was having the same problem I did how to fixes it saving her the stress I had. The second post I commented on was a story about the use of the ipad and how some people are still skeptical about it. I told Dr.Strange that I thought the ipad was great and that it was so cool how perusal they become once you add all the apps you want. I don’t have an ipad but I have an ipod touch and I love it and I hope to get an ipad for Christmas this year.

Blog Assignment 7

this is a picture of a smileyface with thumbs up
Randy Pausch is a professor at Carnegie Mellon. He is an amazing speaker filled with a lot of energy and was well worth the watch. Mr. Pausch talked about his dreams as a child and how important it is to fulfill those dreams and to not let any one stand in your way; it reminded me of checking things off a bucket list. Mr.Pausch “last lecture”, reminded me never to take life for granted and live it to the fullest.
During his speech Mr. Pausch refers to a “brick wall”, this wall is a wall he has encountered and a wall that I think every one has encountered at one point in their lives. He talks about the wall and says that the wall is their to block the people who aren’t willing to do any thing and every thing to get around it. I agree with him that if you really want to accomplish something you have to be willing to do any thing. The brick wall blocks the people who just stare at it and never find away threw it.
I loved Mr.Pausch quote “experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want”. He is so right, every thing isn’t suppose to be easy. If we didn’t fail in life then we wouldn’t learn any thing. As children we all learn to ride a bike and during that time we fall down. Through that experience of falling down we learn how not to fall down. Mr.Pausch talks about all the people that his experiences and the people that where along for that ride including is family. Those are the people you will remember the ones that where there when you where falling.
I think that almost all students at one point dread some part of the learning process. I think Mr.Pausch really understood that and that’s what made his hands-on learning so successful. He empathized with his student and knew the best way to teach something was to find ways to make you forget you where learning. I have always found it easier to learn when I am having fun or enjoying the processes.
Mr.Pausch was a great speaker. I believe that he inspired any one and every one he came in contact with. Just that one video reminded me never to give up on my dreams and to be thankful for every thing I have. He really seemed to have enjoyed every thing he accomplished and never regretted any thing.

PLN Post #1

I have chosen to do symbaloo. At first after going threw all the information about PLN it was very overwhelming. Then when I looked at the symbaloo stuff I thought it was really cool. I liked the different widgets. I liked how easy it was to move around my widgets and get them set where and how I wanted to categorize them. I enjoyed roaming around threw the website and figuring out how to do different things. I am looking forward to becoming more familiar with symbaloo and to continue to use it.

TimeToast Project #9a


Sunday, October 3, 2010

C4K Summary

I Followed Kiley M from Noel Elementary Class of 2011. She is the youngest of 5 children at her house. Kiley loves to read and write and expresses herself very well. She has a little trouble in math but knows that she has to work on it. She is a people person and her hobby is drawing. I also got to read her learning manifesto. She is a very smart and driven student. She knows that her education is very important and she doesn’t plan on letting any one stand in her way.

 I told Kiley that I thought she had so much going for her and seemed to have a bright future ahead. I reminded her to have fun in school but to always keep school as her number one priority.  I am very proud of all that her and her classmates have accomplished. 

Blog Assignment 6

The Networked Student
            My first impression on this video was that it sounded like just what we were doing in EDM310. I liked the paper dolls I thought it was a creative way to give a visual image of every thing that was being said. A lot of what was being talked about where things that we are doing now in class including reading other peoples blogs and commenting on them and sharing our own opinions on our own blog.
            As I continue to complete assignments I get more and more comfortable with the concept of networking. I enjoy reading other peoples thoughts and feelings on different subjects and learning different techniques. The hardest part to me would probably be just getting use to every thing and not being in a class room. On the other hand I feel like one can still have that teacher, classmate, and teacher relationship because we are all there to help each other.
            I do not know if I am prepared to be a teacher of a network student. I am a people person and I feel like being in the classroom is something that is important. I know that technology is advancing every day and that this concept is going to become a lot more popular. I think that it might be good for upper level students like in high school but I wouldn’t want to have all classes networked.
A 7th graders Personal Learning Environment
            I am very impressed that this was done by a 7th grader considering I am a junior in collage and just now learning some of the techniques she uses. It is great that she already knows how to do so much at such a young age. Her PLE is defiantly a lot more advanced then my PLN. I wish that I would have had the chance she did to start at a younger age because now I feel like I am behind. I agree with her that it makes you become a lot more responsible and the end product is a lot cooler then paper work.
The machine is Changing us
 this is a picture of the world networking
            I think this was a very cool video. I like the way he goes back and brings up how much things have changed. I think it’s cool how the generations have changed in good and bad ways. The media has a lot of influence on society. It seems to me that the media in some ways controls the way we speak, think and act. It makes me wonder what it would be like if we didn’t have the media, would some people be able to survive?