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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog Assignment 5

Eagle’s Nest Radio Episode#3
I thought the third graders where so cute and they did a very good job. I thought their music was very cool and really added a lot to their podcast. I thought at the beginning a few of them felt nerves but as the podcast continued I could tell they started to feel more confident. I just did my first podcast last week and I was nerves so I would say to be in third grad and accomplishing something like that is amazing.
The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom
I think that podcasting is really fun and something different that would make different activities a lot more enjoyable.   I think podcasting is great especially for people who are more auditory learners. This was they are able to hear and replay what a teacher has said and really let that point sink in. This is just another way technology can help people and open more doors.
Judy Scharf Podcast Collection
At first I didn’t know what a podcast was, but after reading this post I think I have a better understanding. Since I have now done a podcast and gotten some back ground information on what it is I think I will be able to use this new technique to my advantage not only for this class but for classes down the road and in my own classroom one day. 


  1. Angelica,
    Eagle's Nest Radio Episode #3
    I agree that their podcast was very well put together especially for third graders. I also could tell they were nervous at first but once they got past that is was great! I also was very nervous when my group recorded our podcast as well but it went over very well.
    The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom
    I never thought about how podcasts could help those who are auditory learners until I read this in your post. You are correct it would be a great tool not only for auditory learners but for all children in general.
    Judy Scharf Podcast Collection
    I also was not sure of what a podcast was until I started our EDM 310 course. Now that we have actually done one I have a better understanding of what a podcast is. Her site also gave me a more in depth idea of what a podcast is.

  2. Great post Angelica!

    I also thought the students with "Eagles Nest Radio" did a great job. While learning the subject matter these kids were also learning how to speak clearly, team work, and many other incidental skills. Most of all these kids were excited about learning. I hope you will use podcasting with your future students.

    Your blog looks good. Be sure you include ALT and TITLE tags on graphics. Otherwise, keep up the good work. SS
